Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy crap!'s been awhile. But ever since these festivals started, my life has been crazy! We shoot to work four 10 hour days since we do the bulk of our work during the festival weekend. Festivals are real big these days and span 3 days; this past weekend (our biggest EVER!) I was scheduled for 29.5 hours for Thursday-Saturday. Loooong days. So we can be in the office just for one day a week, but most of us split it over 2 days because a) it helps us get our confirmation calls done (and so we're reachable) and b) make the work week a little more tolerable.

But yes, this past weekend was INsane. We had 104 ensembles (104!!!) and that's with a couple canceling. We had approx. 3500+ people at the awards ceremony. It freakin' blew my mind. If I can find someone who took pictures, I'll fer sure put those up. Here's a couple someone took this weekend:

Festival Team (minus 2)

Awards team!

Other updates include:
-Spring is taking its sweet time getting here. There will be 2-3 days of nice, and then it's back to cold and/or rain. Always on my day off.
-Mandy got part-time front desk at Ft. Wilderness. She really likes it, and not only just because she gets to see dogs on a regular basis.
-Our tournament starts this week for ultimate spring league, but it's still weekly. Kind of weird, but whatevs. I also got an email from the captain of the men's club team, so that could be promising...that is, if the practices are somewhat close.
-We have a 'regular' work week this week since it's Easter weekend. My dad is here right now with a group and I saw him yesterday for food at Epcot and tomorrow at Downtown Disney. I think the week will culminate with drinking at Ale House Thursday night.
-Mom is coming Sunday! I'm sure we'll be able to keep busy.

That should bring you roughly up to speed. Sorry my updates have been lacking and I shall try harder from now on...that is, if anyone reads this! Haha.

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