Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thinking About the Future

It's been a couple days, hasn't it? Work is just a killer, and then on your days off, you really just want to sit around and relax or enjoy the parks, since they are still fun and new.

The Food and Wine festival has started at Epcot, which means parents will be here soon! And by parents, I mean my parents, specifically. I've only been once since it started, and boy is it awesome. It runs for about a month at Epcot. There are many booths, each one dedicated to a different country, and many more than there are countries permanently at Epcot. I believe there are 26 booths total, with New Zealand, Poland, Chile, Argentina, and many, many more. They serve small-ish portions; about 3 would equal a meal. Unfortunately, just like anything at Disney,
the costs add up pretty quick. But man is it worth it. Everything I saw, I wanted, regardless of if I even knew what it was.

I know I haven't been here long, but it's definitely time to start networking. It's not terribly hard to do around here, you just gotta be friendly-like. We have some pretty friendly managers who can help hook you up with many helpful people, just so you can get your name out there and your resume distributed. My DAK pak leader, Rob, is really awesome and I met with him the other day to critique my resume. He didn't have much to say in terms of changes, sans a few notes on tense, so that was pretty exciting. Overhauling my resume is really the last thing I want to do. I also met with a college buddy of my dad's for lunch on Tuesday. Bruce works at the Disney Institute, which sounds like a really cool place. Apparently, Disney's way of running things is highly touted by companies all around the world, so much in fact that they pay good money to have people like Bruce teach them our corporate culture as well as strategies on efficiency and creativity. They also bring these individuals into the park to get some hands on. Bruce is a great guy and also gave me some names of people to contact. One individual even works in the Magic Music Days Division! How awesome would that be?

Anyway, I have to get a run in before 'The Office' starts. I feel really good about my safaris now. I hope some friends ride soon!

[Gaston bro-in out]

1 comment:

  1. I'm headed that way in May if you're still down there (and it sounds like you might be). Glad to hear you're rockin' the safaris!
