Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not the most exciting week

This week was me in the office...all week...with only about 2 other interns most of the time. Our task mostly consisted of making calls for everyone on the road and trying to setup appointments for them. We have been assigned counties for our visits but we had to research schools in those counties to see how accurate our current list is against what is out there. After that, we find out the senior class size for next year and what they did for their senior trip (Grad Nite, Grad Bash, cruise around the world, etc.). If by some luck we are able to get a hold of the correct individual, we then try to get all this information from them; however, most of the time it involves grilling the secretary to see what he/she knows. Then after 3 pm, when schools are closed, it's entering stuff into Seibel, our account tracking program. However, next week, I get to do schools in Indian River County (Vero Beach) and Orange, which is gonna be tough since that's basically in Disney's backyard so a lot of those folks have their minds made up regarding Grad Nite. I think I'm going to focus on the schools that have attended in the past to make sure we maintain a good relationship.

Mandy's family was here this past week which meant a lot of eating oot. The first day they were here, we went to Cape May at the Beach Club which is a seafood buffet. Now, in northern Illinois, seafood isn't way up there on everyone's list of favorite foods, but in Pennsylvania, it's how they roll. Mandy's self-proclaimed favorite food is crab legs, with crab cakes coming in at a close second. Apparently they go to Ocean City, MD every year which has, according to her, phenomenal seafood. She was also astounded that I have never been there. I am finally getting into crab legs since I was finally taught how to eat them.

However, Mandy went home with her parents on Thursday because her Gram was nearing the end of her life. Sadly, even though they took the earlier flight, Gram passed away before they could get back home. It was very unfortunate and a hard blow to the entire Spearly family. It's also tough when I can only be there for her electronically and she won't be getting back till this Wednesday. Life's not always quite fair as I learned with my grandmother years ago.

This weekend was pretty tame so far. We won our league game Friday, and they have it worked out at the bar across the street that the winning team gets a free pitcher. What a fantastic league I joined. My team consists of some pretty cool cats and I think we'll do real well this season. Yesterday my hangout plans fell through so I ended up cleaning basically everything I own. Washed my car, cleaned and vacuumed the interior, cleaned the bathroom, swept the porch, rearranged the TV area, blah blah blah. Super boring stuff but it needed to get done. Now today I am going over to hang with some ultimate buddies and grill and be adults and whatnot.

And finally, good news: I will HAVE a job come June 11th (end of my internship). I will be part-time (no full-time available anywhere) doing Rec at Bay Lake Marina, which is rec sport stuff for Ft. Wilderness and Wilderness Lodge. It's not super glamorous and it's a drastic decrease in pay, but it's a job and it will do until my Guest Relations plan kick in. They warned me that I would be outside all day and I assured them that was fine since I have been in an office way too much as of late. I'll also be able (allegedly) to pick up shifts at other Rec locations as well as Safaris, so I'm not too concerned about pay.

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