Monday, August 17, 2009


I left O'Hare about 4 p.m. Central time and got into Orlando International about 7:30 p.m. I crashed at the house of a former student of my dad's. He came here right after high school graduation and worked his way up the totem pole and now runs a parade, the High School Musical III stage show, and also works on Fantastic at Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM for you purists out there). I arrived at the main apartment complex, Vista Way, 45 minutes before check-in officially started but they were already beginning. Lucky for me, and my roommates, I was there first and snagged a swank apartment.

After about a 30 minute check-in process I grabbed my bags and headed over. I didn't have much time before they shuffled me over to casting for some more paperwork, including finding out my role which is...drum roll please...Kilimanjaro Safari! And yes, I will get to drive a truck around all day and talk to guests and see amazing animals...all while getting paid. I was so excited and just couldn't believe my luck. I guess that good Karma did come in handy. I also proved I could work, did fingerprints, all that exciting stuff. Then had another meeting, this one for housing and took 2 hours. Basically, anything that is fun, we cannot do or we get terminated. It's almost as if they're looking for a reason...but I'm keeping it optimistic.

Here are a couple pictures of my place:

And here's a picture of my roommate and I with Buzz Lightyear at a College Program party:

These posts are from a couple days ago, but I'll get caught up soon.

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