Sunday, August 30, 2009

Getting Comfortable

Today was my 5th day, and I can safely say I'm getting settled in. I'm able to keep it limited to about one major dumb thing a day. For instance, at the end of the day we're supposed to fuel the trucks by pulling up to the propane pump (these trucks use propane). No more than 4 in line and that's the only rule. Pretty simple...except for when I became the 5th truck in line. I thought I would be murdered by some of the stares I got from other drivers. Luckily, everyone is pretty forgiving, especially since a lot of this stuff doesn't come up in training.

If I haven't already said it, there are about 200 safari drivers, so it's tough to keep up with all the names...wait, we all have name tags. Nice. Anyway, a lot of cast members at Disney work seasonally so they can keep the benefits. Basically, pretty much everyday I'm seeing new people. I was told today that it's only a matter of time before I get sucked into the soap opera that is KSR, but I'm trying my best to stay neutral, regardless of how I may or may not feel about a couple drivers. But I'm sure I'll tick someone off sooner or later.

One of the difficult parts about making friends around here is that most of the time, you won't have the same days off to hang out. I also can't really go out on work nights since I have to wake up so early the next day. But that's for the best since I'm making jack squat anyway. After work, I usually have time to work out, eat, and sleep. Starting mid-October, I'll be taking a couple classes, Exploring Marketing and Exploring Tradition. They're both lecture series, so no homework (praise Allah). Both classes will bring in professionals from around the company to pretty much talk about whatever they want. The non-marketing class deals with the history of Disney as well as it's structure and anything else pertinent to the company.

I keep forgetting to have someone take a picture of me in a truck. I'll remember...hopefully.

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