Sunday, August 23, 2009

Training: Complete

Good news, all: I passed my training. It was quite a whirlwind of activity; I had to spend at least 10 minutes at every position. I started the day with driving and did 3 rounds before management got on to make sure I'm not a complete idiot. The first time I docked, I jumped the curb and almost punched a baby. But then I got it together, dropped time off every round, and had things great by the time I was assessed. The rest of the day went swimmingly. I even got a sweet certificate and a bag of goodies! How satisfying. Tomorrow I start for real...and an 11 hr. 45 minute shift.


  1. Thanks for the update, Eric. Sounds like you had a great week. Good luck on your long day tomorrow.

  2. Eric - your writing style cracks me up. Feel like we are conversing. You already seem to have a good grasp of the Disney cast member "lingo".Every hour worked now will make up for the slow time once Labor Day is past. Glad all is going well! Love Dad

  3. Hey so what I meant to say to you the other day was that my friend said 70% of the interns never come back because pretty much everyone gets a fulltime position after the internship is over. She's actually most likely moving back in january to become a trainer. She also told me that your specific job of driving around in the safari is highly coveted, you get paid extra monies, and that she is jealous of it. I hope its going well so far and that the 12 hour shift you had didn't kill you :)
    -love, lazur

  4. Now that you are getting in the groove, we need a picture of you in uniform, sunglasses and behind the wheel. Dad
