Friday, September 25, 2009

One of Those Days

Boy, today was just one of those days. My guests blew, hardcore. My first 5 rounds had guests that stood up multiple times, after being told multiple times to stay seated. It's important to know that they also spoke English. There's nothing else that drives me crazier, though, than guests asking me to slow down. I say at the beginning 'I cannot stop at any time, but I will slow down'. Reasonable, methinks, but also keep in mind that the truck goes 8 MILES AN HOUR, 3-4 by animals. Find me a universe where that is fast and out of control, and I will eat a pink-backed pelican. Someone even told me slow down; I almost lost it there. I ended the day closing pram (parking strollers) with one of my less-than favorite people. When I went out to bump my person and saw who I would be working with, I literally looked up at the sky and asked 'What did I do wrong?'.

Anyway, the previous week has been going well. Today was actually the first day I had that I was like, boy, this sucks. But I can't imagine a job where you could go the entirety of it without having a couple days like that. Yesterday we went to the SALSA sale (spend a little,
save a lot). We love our acronyms at Disney. It's a big sale they do once a year to get rid of all the crap that guests didn't find enticing. To me, about 60% was stuff that was junk. Big poofy Christmas hats from last year, fuzzy Everest hats, Hannah Montana DVD players, 3 billion key chains, lots of nonsense. I did get a sweet jacket, originally $140, after markdowns, got it for $36. Score. Maybe I'll be back later to spend some of my hard-earned wages.

I really want to go to a beach or something soon. That would be neat. I really don't have much to say today; maybe I'll have a brain wave sometime soon and do a little adding.

p.s. This is a way better way to incorporate photos. Good job me.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I've had the last two days off, mostly. Thursday, we had a big CP meeting to go over mostly stuff we had gone over before. But the big treat was to go see Festival of the Lion King in Camp Minnie-Mickey at Animal Kingdom, so we didn't have to go far. It is one of the best shows on property, if not the best, so the rumors have been true.
Festival of the Lion King. Epic.

Me at the front desk at our DAK Pak

Yesterday two girls from safari, Carmen and Cassie, and I went to DAK and Hollywood Studios. We rode four safaris during the course of the day, all different. It's really interesting to ride others safaris because they're all so different. It's also tough not judge, because it's not necessarily wrong, just not the way you would do it.

A bunch of us from safari went to Epcot tonight to do the Kim Possible thing, which is where you sign up, get a cell phone, and go around to different areas of the World Showcase looking for clues. We started off with two teams of five, but our phone sucked real bad, so we had to quit pretty soon after we had started. Hopefully we get another chance soon, though, because it looks like a lot of fun.

I guess the most difficult aspect of the program that has risen to the surface has been the involvement of new people. You all know I'm a passionate person and get close to people, if not too close. Already I'm thinking, hey, this is great, I'm meeting all these amazing people and having good times right out of the gate. But unfortunately, all I can think about is in four months, it's gonna be over, and a lot of these people will no longer be a major part of my life. I am usually not Debbie Downer in this sense, but what makes it an issue is that the people that were such a big part of my life, my family and my Gnomies, were gone so quickly. And now I almost feel like I'm cheating on my old friends, that I miss a lot. Not playing this weekend is killing me. Thank goodness I worked today and tomorrow, because if I were sitting around all day...well, that would have been bad news.

But...I gotta learn to love the journey and sometimes it's a bad idea to think about the future.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finding a Purpose

Disney Cast Members really only have four rules to follow:

1. I project a positive image and energy
2. I am courteous to all guests, including children
3. I stay in character and play the part
4. I go above and beyond

Obviously, the last one is what Disney is known for. New cast members are required to take a two-hour class emphasizing the importance of these 'commandments'. I thought it was going to suck, frankly, but it really reinforced my decision to come here. I know it's early to find a purpose in life, but if anything, this is a temporary if not permanent place for me in life. Going that extra mile for people feels pretty great.

King Triton, looking like a crazy old man

These Basics, as they are called, are derived from hundreds upon hundreds of guests who have visited the parks. Disney spoke with first-time guests, seasoned vets, old guests, young guests, newlyweds, recently divorced, and individuals of many different cultures. Our instructor told us that she could go on for hours about their responses...but they all boiled down to roughly these Basics. All guests also said that no one goes home and talks about how awesome Pirates was, they talk about the cast members. Every person that works here could tell you plenty of stories of how they have made someone's day by completing the simplest of gestures. I had one of these yesterday.

I was working Gatekeeper, which is the cast member that lets through individuals in wheelchairs to get them on the properly suited truck. There's a gate in the middle and on either side are short aisles that keep track of how many people go through line. We weren't very busy and both sides were way open, so I was directing guests through both sides. I had a little boy of probably 3ish and wearing a birthday button walk up with his dad. He looked confused which side to use, so I asked him since it was his birthday, which side he want to use? He was still a little confused, so I pointed to my right and said, 'Well, this is the side for birthday boys'. That helped him and off he went to ride safari. A little while later, they both came back through line. There were a bit more people and the side to my left was open, so I directed them through there. But he was confused and I realized why, because he said to me, pointing to my right, 'But that's the side for birthday boys'. It was really cute and made my day.

We went to Spectromagic last night and did a quick ride of the Jungle Cruise, the 'antithesis' of Kilimanjaro Safaris. But we like it anyway; not all jokes are acceptable on our attraction, so that's why we dig Jungle Cruise to a certain extent. I also had a couple friends ride my safari today and it was fun, despite good natured heckling. Hopefully Hollywood Studios Friday, my day off, to have a fun day and find some hidden mickeys.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm really starting to miss friends, especially with Stanley Cup coming up.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday = Friday

Like I said earlier, everyone rarely gets the same days off. Lately, my days off have been Wednesdays and Thursdays; needless to say, I rarely know what day it is. It's weird to have my Wednesday be my Friday. I'm sure you can all guess the severity of this situation. However, there is a fund with all donations going to helping me understand the days of the week. We have a P.O. Box and we're getting around to a website.

Anyway, seems like most days off go the same way: one day committed to errands and laundry, one day committed to parks. At least for me this is how it goes. But I would like to go to the parks every chance I get. I want to do everything at least once, even the 'lame' attractions, like Hall of Presidents and Country Bear Jamboree. I actually went on Country Bear the other night and boy is that thing hilarious. But only once. After that, it's a little sad, especially since that it has been there for many, many years. But if you're into hardcore drugs, I could see you getting upset if it ever leaves.

I went to Blizzard Beach yesterday with some friends, which are starting to become more consistent. However, at least once a week, 10 days, I'm doing that whole, "I'm from here, I work here, I eat this for breakfast" etc. But things are looking up. Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is taking place from now until the end of October and I heard it's a good time. Tickets are about $40, and that's with the cast discount. But worth it. There's also a Tower of Terror 5K and 13K which sounds just right up my alley. Obviously not the 13K part; who runs that far anyway?

I finally hung up my photos that I printed off before I came to Florida and it made me pretty melancholy. I've been doing OK with my transition, but it sure would be nice to just be back for a night or so. I miss a lot of people and the good times we had. Mostly, I hope Stanley Cup gets pulled off. My parents are coming at the end of October and were planning on staying at the Beach Club...but then found out, that even with my discount, four nights costs $1200. Yikes. Plan B time. I would love to see you, so give me a holler if a visit is a possibility. It can be real cheap, because they give good discounts for places off of property as well.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hitler cracks me up

I had Brazilians for the first time today. They are a lot of fun...but then again, cannot understand a thing I'm saying. I might have made up a few facts, but that's for another time. At least they clapped at the end.

This post is mostly for this video. A true LOL, if you will. R-rated though, so watch for children.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Jambo Wilson!

Warden Wilson Matua, that is. He's the warden of airborne patrol at the Harambe Wildlife Reserve. They're a big deal. Plus, he's always interrupting my spieling. That bastard.

Good news: I finally have documentation of my role.

But here's the not-so-friendly safari driver. I wouldn't mess with him. And yes, those are my globetrotter shorts.

I'm really feeling good doing my job by now. Every once in awhile something will come up where I'll manage to look like a noob, but I can mostly keep it on the downlow. My next goal is to receive a Guests Service Fanatic card. GSFs are what cast members give to each other when we see one another doing a great job. I will be beside myself when I get one.

I was also beside myself when I traded pins 4 times today. For anybody uneducated to the ludicrous world of pin trading, it's just that...ludicrous. They have, I believe, 3 or 4 levels of pins, with the cheapest ones being like $5, and going up to like $20. Kids (and adults) will buy these, put them on a lanyard, and trade with either each other or cast members. As cast members, we have to trade with them regardless of what crap pin they give us. But luckily we don't have to provide our own, so I just get really excited when I get to do it. Especially when I meet sweet dudes like this. Unfortunately, I can't take pictures while on stage, but thank goodness for the internet.

I get the same days off every week, so we've been going to Ale House on Tuesdays. It's ladies night, but it's also a pretty inexpensive place to drink. I went to BDubs once on Wednesday, but it was skanky as all get out. I'm not sure if I'll be back there. It felt like freshmen year, except I wasn't among the 50% of people there underage.

Tonight, however, I found out that they show a movie EVERY NIGHT at the Fort Wilderness campground...FO FREE. It's also outside, so it's like a drive-in movie. Also a place to roast marshmallows. Heaven on earth.

I also found out what I need to do to stay here for the long-term, but it's late and it's complicated. Actually, I'm not totally sure I understand it. I'll get back to you on that.